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2018-1-7 The Demon KIng (Song)

Uploaded by UNOFFICIAL CYRAX ARCHIVE on November 20th, 2022
Original upload date: January 7th, 2018 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:26] Yes, you thought I was gone, but guess what? I'm back as the Demon King. You better run, you better hide, you better lock your doors, 'cause I'm coming for you.
[0:26 - 0:53] Yes, I am the motherfuckin' Demon King. Yes, you better run and hide. Yes, you better motherfuckin' lock your doors and hide. I'm the motherfuckin' Demon King. I'm the reason that you're awake at night. I will motherfuckin' come into your house and burn to every single one of your motherfuckin' family members. Then I'll take you in, run you into the motherfuckin'
[0:53 - 1:11] store, rip down your heart. I am the thing that you motherfuckin' fear at night. Yes, you better run and hide, because if you don't, I will motherfuckin' snatch your soul and leave you dead in the middle of the motherfuckin' floor.
[1:11 - 1:41] I will motherfuckin' murder every single one of your motherfuckin' family members. Yes, I might be a little bit psycho. Yes, you thought you knew a rotten world, don't get into visor. I will motherfuckin' be head every single one of you and leave your body trainin' with the blood. Leave you lucky motherfuckin' wreck and you later dead.
[1:41 - 2:11] Hanging from a motherfuckin' loop from the tree inside, motherfuckin' hell. Welcome to the darkness in your motherfuckin' nightmare. Yes, your nightmare is my reality. Your nightmare is my dream. I am the reason that you cannot see the night. I am the reason that you are going to motherfuckin' die tonight. Yes, that's right. If you do not run and hide, I promise you that I will motherfuckin'
[2:11 - 2:40] kill every single one of you and your motherfuckin' family members. Yes, you better motherfuckin' run, son. Don't even think you got put in that gut. It won't do any good against the motherfuckin' daily king. I thought you knew to die. Run this shit. Yes, I am. Six feet deep. That may be true, but I am in the underground. I am the eater of motherfuckin' souls. I'm the eater of motherfuckin'.
[2:40 - 3:08] I'm the eater of world and I'm calling for your motherfuckin' soul. There is no stopping the daily king. There is no motherfuckin' stopping me, so don't think that you can even come after me because I will motherfuckin' rip you your shreds of rip that you're all gonna eat and see on your motherfuckin' wretch. Did you motherfuckin' die on peace on your motherfuckin' heart?
[3:08 - 3:37] And I had cut every motherfuckin' minute. Oh, yes, you better run for the daily king is back. I will rape hell on all of those who want to test my motherfuckin' wrath. So don't look back, 'cause if you doin' die, motherfuckin' catch you, I will fucking murder you and bathe in your blood. Yes, that's right. I will motherfuckin' bathe in your blood like it's a motherfuckin'
[3:37 - 3:49] wretch. I will leave like that. I will leave like that. I will leave like that. I will leave like that. I will leave like that. I will leave like that. I will leave like that. I will leave like that. I will leave like that. I will leave like that. I will leave like that. I will leave them chucking in my way in every single way, in every single way, go try to motherfuckin' test me.
[3:49 - 3:59] [MUSIC PLAYING]
Transcribed by as id '3030' on August 17th, 2024