Original upload date: June 11th, 2017 (automatically grabbed from title)
[0:00 - 0:20] Yo, what up fam. So, a lot of y'all might know a dude by the name of Joker. Seriously, this old bitch ain't shit.
[0:20 - 0:30] That's right Joker, I'm calling you out, you little punk bitch. If y'all don't know, this dude named Joseph.
[0:30 - 0:36] He's running his little bitch mouth thinking he's a little hard ass. Thinking he can out spit me.
[0:36 - 0:44] Thinking that he can come after my ass and can't handle his business like a man. This dude has to fucking sing goons after my ass.
[0:44 - 0:54] Like, are you fucking serious dog? You think you can destroy my ass? Motherfucker, I've ended careers. Early in my years, motherfucker.
[0:54 - 1:06] Starting now, very beginning, I ended fucking careers. You're a fucking joke, Joseph. That's why your name's Joker. Seriously.
[1:06 - 1:24] So, I got something for you little bitch ass. Yeah.
[1:24 - 1:50] I see you gangsta. Don't unprice me now that I'm missing you gangsta. They see the thing you die and I do it all myself. I ain't getting out from no one, from no one.
[1:50 - 1:56] Yeah, I see you gangsta, you shit. Yeah, you're nothing like a motherfucker. Keep it, Joker, go ahead and kick.
[1:56 - 2:04] Run your mouth and all you gotta do is kick. Make a fuss, got you all to talk. Shit, you ain't nothing but motherfucker history.
[2:04 - 2:10] Yeah, you think you're all hard ass like a motherfucker, bad ass. Guess what motherfucker, you're fat.
[2:10 - 2:22] Yeah, that's what it is. Here I am, standing tall. Here I am, going strong. Here we are, once again. Come right at you, little motherfucker with your bitch ass.
[2:22 - 2:34] You didn't think I would do it, motherfucker. Here I am, come and kick me. You cannot ever fucking touch me. Let's go, wanna rock with me, but you better learn how to motherfucker.
[2:34 - 2:43] Keep up, because I am the one that you better be afraid of. Here we go, once again, I will never stop.
[2:43 - 3:08] Here I am, going strong. Here I am, going strong. Here I am, going strong. Here I am, going strong.
[3:08 - 3:16] I thought you were a motherfucker, homie. Yeah, you a thick-ass, weak bitch. Trying to clean up, you a little, just one motherfucker.
[3:16 - 3:24] You ain't a motherfucker, jumping up on your arm, raise a motherfucker. Jump on your run around, talking all this motherfucking shit.
[3:24 - 3:35] Yeah, you play shit. Yeah, you try to fuck with my sister. Now she's like, "Hell nah, dawg." It ain't like that, guess what motherfucker, I caught your little bitch ass.
[3:35 - 3:41] And in the fucking night, yeah, I'm gonna kill a fucking main man. I will send you right to the next life.
[3:41 - 3:47] Ain't no way I will ever fucking stop. I will keep on going on this ride till you're not a fuck-out.
[3:47 - 3:53] You ain't the best, believe that. You think I'm standing here, gonna quit, then ain't gonna happen.
[3:53 - 4:00] Here I am, going strong. Here I am, going strong. Here I am, making you the main phone, guess what motherfucker, it's your time to die.
[4:01 - 4:14] You ain't the best, believe that. You think I'm standing here, gonna quit, then ain't gonna happen.
[4:14 - 4:19] Yeah, you ain't the best, believe that. You ain't the best, believe that.
[4:19 - 4:24] You ain't the best, believe that. You ain't the best, believe that.
[4:24 - 4:28] Yeah, you ain't the best, believe that.
[4:28 - 5:13] You ain't the best, believe that.
[5:14 - 5:15] Go, buddy.
[5:15 - 5:16] Go.
[5:17 - 6:06] You ain't the best, believe that.
[6:07 - 6:32] [MUSIC]
[6:32 - 6:50] Thank you for one minute, guys.
[6:50 - 6:52] I'll be right back.
[6:52 - 6:54] How should I do something?
[6:54 - 9:14] [MUSIC]
[9:14 - 9:27] What up, y'all?
[9:27 - 9:28] I'm back.
[9:28 - 9:33] Now, down the business.
[9:33 - 9:41] At first, yeah.
[9:41 - 9:42] And you're right about that.
[9:42 - 9:44] And I didn't necessarily want you to often.
[9:44 - 9:47] I just wanted you to fucking say something to those little ass.
[9:47 - 9:54] And as for you, Betty, you didn't think I was going to fucking do it, did you?
[9:54 - 10:03] Like, seriously, you didn't think that I was going to call your little boyfriend out.
[10:03 - 10:06] Well, guess what I did?
[10:07 - 10:15] Reason B, your little bitch boyfriend or fiance or whoever the fuck he is, you guys don't call me a fucking pimp, bro, I care.
[10:15 - 10:30] Like, seriously, like, this motherfucker has the balls to run his mouth, not only to me, but my best friend Jasmine, who's literally like my little sister, like, you really think I'm going to go get away with that dog?
[10:31 - 10:38] What I called him out is the fact that he sat there calling me weak, saying I ain't going to do shit.
[10:38 - 10:42] Motherfucker, you say I'm not going to do something, watch me do it.
[10:42 - 10:44] Watch me.
[10:44 - 10:50] Like, for real.
[10:50 - 10:54] Yeah, I might be smaller and older.
[10:54 - 10:58] Like, you know, I might be older for myself, but motherfucker, that don't mean shit.
[11:00 - 11:10] Motherfucker Joker had the balls to fucking sit there and say, oh, you better back off. I'm going to have people after you.
[11:10 - 11:21] Well, guess what? I'm still here, motherfucker. You ain't going to do shit. You're weak. You're a loser. You're a player, dude.
[11:21 - 11:24] And you want to know how I know you're a fucking player?
[11:24 - 11:27] Huh? You really want to know?
[11:29 - 11:35] Seriously, you really want to know how you're a player. Well, let's see. For one, you're playing my girl.
[11:35 - 11:39] Like, seriously, you're playing Betty, and that's just not fucking cool.
[11:39 - 11:46] Two, you try to hook it up with my little sister while you're with her. And I'm not okay with that at all.
[11:46 - 11:51] So, again, motherfucker, you're a player. You got caught. You're busted.
[11:51 - 11:56] And then just sit there and say that I'm not going to do something when you know damn well I will.
[11:57 - 12:02] Like, motherfucker, you ain't shit. Seriously, Joker, you're not shit to me.
[12:02 - 12:09] Like, for real, you want to sit there and run your little bitch mouth saying you're going to do something.
[12:09 - 12:14] Well, here I am calling you out, dude. Like, you didn't think I was going to do it?
[12:14 - 12:16] Here I am, little bitch.
[12:16 - 12:24] And for those of you that are not too happy about this livestream or are pissed off at me for this livestream,
[12:25 - 12:33] I do apologize, but you know what? I'm not going to sit there and let some bitch boy motherfucker run his mouth to me like that.
[12:33 - 12:40] Normally, I'd let it slide. Normally, I would. I wouldn't, you know, pay any attention.
[12:40 - 12:43] But this one motherfucker got me fired up.
[12:43 - 12:48] This one motherfucker thinks he's all balls to the wall, badass.
[12:48 - 12:54] Well, guess what, Joker? You ain't shit. You never will be shit to me, dude.
[12:55 - 13:04] Like, for real, you think that you're such a hard ass and then you've got all these connections and shit thinking that you're going to have your goons come after it.
[13:04 - 13:13] Well, guess what? Oh, I'm scared. Look at me. I'm Big Bad Joker. I'm going to send my goons out to this guy. That's a joke.
[13:22 - 13:25] Nico is actually a friend of mine.
[13:25 - 13:36] And Nico, you had it wrong, dude. I wasn't going to have you go after Joker. I was just going to have you say something to his little ass because he threatened to send some goons out to me.
[13:36 - 13:41] That's all I was going to do, is I was going to have you, you know, say something to his little bitch ass.
[13:41 - 13:50] So, yeah, Joker, you think you're hot shit? I'd love to see you fucking try to step to my level, little boy.
[13:51 - 13:58] Because that's all you are, is a little boy. A little pussy bitch who doesn't know how to handle his own business like a man.
[13:58 - 14:07] And you call yourself family? Motherfucker, you ain't family. Family don't play family like that, son.
[14:07 - 14:15] I mean, seriously, it's bad enough she played Betty, but you have to go after my little sister Jasmine too, motherfucker.
[14:16 - 14:25] Oh, by the way, don't think I'm not going to use that little text you sent me. Don't think I'm not going to use that text that you sent me about going out to Jasmine.
[14:25 - 14:31] Don't think I'm not going to show that to her, motherfucker, because guess what? You're done.
[14:31 - 14:38] Hey, what up, Kenneth? What's going on, bro?
[14:39 - 14:55] Well, for those of you just joining this livestream, alright, long story short, me and Betty split because of this little bitch boy Joker, aka Joseph, Joseph Hancock.
[14:55 - 15:02] If you guys don't know him, you can look him up on YouTube, or not on YouTube, but on Facebook. My bad, guys.
[15:03 - 15:09] Speaking of YouTube, I am going to be putting a little video out on your little bitch ass, dude. You ain't shit.
[15:09 - 15:16] Like, you think you're such a hard ass and such a boss, motherfucker, I run shit, alright?
[15:16 - 15:23] I run fucking shit, little boy. Motherfucker, I got a job.
[15:24 - 15:33] And where's your little bitch ass? Sitting in a bed, while I'm sitting here every day on the fucking ground, all day, every day, busting my ass.
[15:33 - 15:41] And where are you? Oh, typing away on a computer, what do you do? Like, anybody gives a fuck about that.
[15:44 - 15:58] And Rebecca, I am sorry that you have to see this, and Betty, I'm sorry you have to see this as well, but you know what? Your little bitch fiance pushed my buttons a little too fucking much, and now he's paying the price.
[15:58 - 16:10] I don't give a fuck if you're pissed at me or not, I don't care. This little motherfucker made it personal the minute he stepped to me, saying that he's gonna send goons after my ass.
[16:11 - 16:19] So you think that, you know, he's getting away with this? No, this little motherfucker's gonna learn his lesson.
[16:19 - 16:34] And as I said, little boy, I run shit. I am untouchable. You cannot touch my style, my sound, or my flow. You can't do shit, you're weak.
[16:37 - 16:50] Like, you have no substance, man. Like, if you guys listen to this motherfucker's voice messages he sent me, I'm like, motherfucker, this is weak. I've heard more freaking bars come out of a damn five-year-old.
[16:50 - 17:03] Like, for real. Like, you think you can touch me, motherfucker? Go ahead and try. I've had people try to touch me, and then fail. Motherfucker, I run shit.
[17:04 - 17:16] Don't believe me? Check the stats, motherfucker. Number one artist in Akron, Ohio. Number two artist in state. Number three artist nationally.
[17:17 - 17:34] So fuck me now, little bitch. I run shit. You don't run a goddamn thing except your little bitch mouth. So when you've got the balls to man up, and actually put some substance into your fucking raps, then we'll fucking talk business.
[17:35 - 17:45] But until then, why don't you shut your little fucking mouth and go fuck yourself? Because guess what? I run shit. You don't. I own your ass.
[17:45 - 18:00] And if you don't think I do, as I said, look me up on Google. Look up the name Shadowboy. Look up my name. I guarantee you, you'll see what I'm about. You'll see that I can destroy your ass with one fucking bar.
[18:01 - 18:12] And you know, the only reason why I wasted the extra bars on your ass in the first place is because of the fact that you want to sit there and talk shit just because you think you're a fucking thug.
[18:13 - 18:29] You ain't shit. You ain't no thug. You don't run shit. You don't have millions of fucking fans listening to your shit every damn day. Not only through YouTube, but through fucking SoundCloud, River Nation. You don't have that shit like I do homie.
[18:30 - 18:42] Hell, some of my fans, like Rebecca, aren't sitting here in the room right the fuck now. So you don't run shit. I have fucking fans in other countries that bump my shit every day.
[18:43 - 18:57] I have connections to top artists like cryptic wisdom, TFV, motherfucking tech nine, motherfucker, tech nine, one of the kings of the underground.
[18:57 - 19:07] All right. So if I want to be fucking flat on your little lips. So if you got the balls to step to me, then do it, motherfucker.
[19:08 - 19:17] All you do is a little two minute clip and then clip the fucking live stream on. You want to live stream, motherfucker? This is what it looks like.
[19:17 - 19:37] So you want to talk trash, little boy? You best be ready to step to the mic. Because guess what? After this live stream is done, expect a fucking diss out by tomorrow afternoon.
[19:37 - 19:52] I'll be destroying your little bitch ass. I'll be destroying your career. I'll be making sure that you never work in the music industry again. I know one of the top artists in the underground, and a lot of y'all might know him. He is my homie, possessed one.
[19:52 - 20:04] So guess what, motherfucker? I'm untouchable. You can't fucking touch me. I have both connections in mainstream and underground.
[20:05 - 20:24] So you think that you're all big, bad, macho kid? Go ahead and try it. You haven't put in the hard work that I've put in, boy. I've got twice the experience than you do, little boy. I've put in my work. I've put in my effort. You ain't shit to me.
[20:25 - 20:43] Like seriously, you're all talking no actions. That's all you are is all fucking talk. I know why you backed down from doing that goddamn YouTube video, because you're fucking scared. You're a scared little pussy ass bitch who's afraid to fucking handle his business like a damn man.
[20:44 - 21:02] As for you, you're weak. That's all you are is weak. And again, Betty, I'm sorry you had to see this, but your little bitch boyfriend needs to learn a fucking lesson. I held back for you once, but I'm not holding back for you again.
[21:03 - 21:22] My ass took it way too far when he called me out saying he was going to send his little goons out to my ass. Well, I'm here and I'm looking around and I don't see any goons. Where the fuck are they? Imaginary? Probably.
[21:23 - 21:33] And, yo, Rebecca, do you see any goons sitting around here? Because I sure don't.
[21:33 - 21:48] Like, seriously, like, where's your little tough ass goons that you were talking about a few minutes ago, homie? Like, seriously, where the fuck are they? I just laid your ass out with one song.
[21:49 - 21:54] I just fucking destroyed you and buried you with one song.
[21:55 - 22:11] One motherfucking song, and then didn't even take a full song. I destroyed your little bitch ass, your little fucking bitch ass with just a few bars, man. And, yeah, I stutter a bit, but that's because I'm like fucking confused as to how you think that you're such a badass.
[22:12 - 22:22] Or as to how you think that playing somebody is cool. I'm sorry, homie, you don't fuck with family. Yeah, I might not rep any hatchet gear, but...
[22:22 - 22:38] You see these fucking hatchets? You see that shit, homie? Those hatchets represent family.
[22:40 - 22:48] You want to talk shit? Rep a couple of hatchets on your back, little boy. Because these hatchets, I will rep till the day I die.
[22:48 - 22:59] So you want to talk shit? Come at me. I dare you to talk shit about the family. I dare you to try to hit on my little sister again.
[22:59 - 23:06] Right exactly.
[23:07 - 23:22] Like, seriously, dude? Like, I don't see any fucking goon. Like, the only goon I've seen is the little bitch boy Joker.
[23:22 - 23:29] And I know why he got the nickname Joker, because he's a fucking joke. That's all he is, is a joke.
[23:30 - 23:37] Every time he fucking spits lines or spits bars, people start laughing their asses off at him before he can even finish a line.
[23:37 - 23:45] Like, my God, dude, like, put some substance into your music, man. Nobody wants to hear that bullshit garbage that you're talking.
[23:46 - 23:54] Like, seriously. Hell, when you were freaking spitting those bars and those voice messages, man, I swear to God, I could feel my fucking ears boiling.
[23:54 - 24:07] Because you suck. You fucking suck, dude. Like, for real. You want to sit there and talk shit about my stuff? Saying I suck? Motherfucker, take a look at your own shit.
[24:12 - 24:18] What up, Ryan? And if y'all don't know, man, this is my boy, Ryan.
[24:18 - 24:25] Okay, Skippy Two Guns or The Real Joker? What up, man?
[24:25 - 24:40] Like, for real. You want a real family? Check out my little Ryan. Okay, Skippy Two Guns, dog.
[24:41 - 24:46] He's the real Joker. He's the Joker. You're the joke.
[24:46 - 24:55] Yo, I swear to God, man, you might want to write that shit down because your name ain't Joker. It's fucking joke.
[24:55 - 24:59] Like, seriously, because that's all you are is a fucking joke, homie.
[24:59 - 25:07] Like, for real. All you are is a motherfucking joke, dude. Like, for real?
[25:10 - 25:15] Hell yeah, dude. Yeah, take notes, little kid.
[25:15 - 25:22] Like, seriously, dude. Take notes.
[25:22 - 25:28] Like, for real. You want to sit there and talk shit about me?
[25:28 - 25:34] Like, you don't know shit about me, but I know everything about your little bitch ass, dude.
[25:36 - 25:42] Like, you honestly think that you're this big, untouchable, hard ass.
[25:42 - 25:47] Well, guess what? You've met a real, untouchable, hard ass.
[25:47 - 25:54] I am the untouchable, hard ass. I'm a motherfucking Shadowblade, little bitch. You can't touch me.
[25:54 - 26:00] I ask any of my fans or the fam here on this livestream, they'll tell you the same thing I'm telling you.
[26:01 - 26:05] They listen to my shit. They vote my shit every day.
[26:05 - 26:09] I'm making money and you're faking money, dog.
[26:09 - 26:20] Unlike you, I got a fucking job. Motherfucker, I am the head of the audio and voice department.
[26:21 - 26:30] I am the head of the music industry department for headless fucking...
[26:30 - 26:34] Oh my god, are you fucking kidding me right now? This dude's an idiot.
[26:34 - 26:40] I am the motherfucking music head for headless studios, motherfucker.
[26:40 - 26:47] One of the biggest motherfucking gaming industries coming up in the country.
[26:48 - 26:51] There ain't anything that you can do that can phase me, dude.
[26:51 - 26:59] You think you're this badass? Well, guess what? You've met a real badass. You don't met your match.
[26:59 - 27:07] So if you don't think that I can take you or go toe to toe with your little bitch ass, try me, fucker.
[27:07 - 27:12] I dare you to. I want you to.
[27:16 - 27:27] But for those of you that don't know what I talked about earlier about being the head music artist and voice over guy for the audio and voice over department.
[27:27 - 27:37] For headless studios, what headless studio is or what headless studios is, is a gaming company.
[27:37 - 27:42] You know, they're pretty legit. You know, they've been around for a while and whatnot.
[27:43 - 28:01] So thanks to a really good friend of mine, I got a job doing voice overs and music work as well as some, you know, design work on the company, making twenty five dollars an hour per game, you know, putting shit out within two or three business days.
[28:02 - 28:12] I'm going to be getting a contract and I'm going to be running the head department for the music and voice over part of that company.
[28:12 - 28:21] And it's my first day on the fucking job. And I already got a fucking promotion up to head for audio and voice in the street parts.
[28:22 - 28:33] Seriously, voice over in music department, like not even first day motherfucker. And I've already got a fucking promotion because of how much stuff I put out.
[28:33 - 28:49] That's how much people like my shit. I'm like your little ass. See, you ain't even got a song out on me. You don't have one goddamn song out, except for that little black ass rap you did last night, which I got a man on me.
[28:50 - 28:55] That's my stuff that I don't mean I ain't going to lie. That show is hilarious. I got to admit, though.
[28:55 - 29:02] Yeah, no shit, dog.
[29:02 - 29:13] But for real, though, this dude thinks that he's this bad ass rapper thinking that he can take me is like motherfucker. I run shit.
[29:14 - 29:19] Like, for real, dude, like I'm signing a fucking contract within two or three business days, motherfucker.
[29:19 - 29:23] I'm making money and you're faking money, dude.
[29:23 - 29:26] Like, for real.
[29:29 - 29:43] But, you know, the two new games are killing out is Drifter, which is more of a sci fi type game. It's not quite into development just yet.
[29:44 - 30:00] But our newest game, FaZe, brand new, you know, being on development right now will be releasing the demo real soon. Like, we'll be releasing the demo like really fucking soon.
[30:00 - 30:11] Shouldn't be that long. So shout out to Headless Studios, you know, shout out to the dudes that brought me on. I fucking appreciate it, man.
[30:12 - 30:19] I'm going to respect you guys, you know, and much more respect to my family. You already know what to do.
[30:19 - 30:28] You already know what I'm about. Y'all already know. Y'all know me by now. Y'all motherfuckers know I don't take shit from people like that.
[30:28 - 30:40] Like, it's one thing to sit there and talk shit and just run your mouth like a little bitch. But when you sit there and say that you're going to send goons out to my eyes, you don't think I'm not going to stand up and say something.
[30:41 - 30:49] Like, really? You had this coming. You had this ass kicking coming, little boy. Like, for real.
[30:50 - 31:07] Like, yo, this dude's... Oh my god, this dude's a fucking joke. Like, this dude's a motherfucker. Like, alright, I'll give you that. You can rap. But dude, your shit's wack. Put some substance into your stuff, man.
[31:07 - 31:16] Like, at least I put substance into all my work. Ask any of these motherfuckers right here and they'll tell you. I put substance into my work.
[31:17 - 31:28] You know, you need to freaking rehearse your shit and come back and, you know, come to me when you have something that's, you know, worth looking at.
[31:28 - 31:45] But until then, go fuck yourself. Like, for real, you're weak. You ain't got shit. And unless you stop all this fucking mouth running like you're doing, you ain't ever going to get anywhere, dude. Like, for real. You had this ass kicking coming right from the off.
[31:46 - 31:57] So, you know, I hope you have a nice life, you know, being a fake ass little bitch. Because that's all you're ever going to be, is a little fake.
[31:58 - 32:10] And, you know, the whole world's going to know it. The whole entire family's going to know it all. All the underground probably knows by now. Because my homie Joker fucking spreading this shit around.
[32:11 - 32:32] "Hey yo, Joker, speaking of which, man, share this shit around. Let the family know what's up. And also, Joker, I am going to be sending you, you know, this motherfucker's profile link so you can spin it around to this guy. Like, spin this guy's stuff around to, you know, all of them. Let him know what this little bitch boy's about."
[32:33 - 32:43] Like, this motherfucker's a thug. Like, this dude is literally a gang member. Like, this dude thinks he's a hard-ass just because he's not a fucking gang.
[32:43 - 32:52] Dog, you can't be in a gang and be family at the same time. It don't work like that, homie. Like, sorry, dog, it don't work.
[32:53 - 33:01] Because you want to know what happens to gang members, man? Their ass gets put in a blast just like that blast in real life, dude.
[33:01 - 33:12] So, Joker, I'll be sending you his link. And for the rest of you guys, share this shit around. Let him be known that this little bitch is out and around.
[33:13 - 33:24] Like, let this dude be known. If he wants this 15 seconds thing, give it to him. Share this video around. Like, you know, spread this everywhere, man. Let the whole entire family know what's up.
[33:24 - 33:31] And don't think I'm not going to tell my sister Jasmine about what you did, dog. I'm going to be letting her know.
[33:32 - 33:43] Because guess what? She's family. I don't keep shit from family. Never have, never will. I don't keep shit from my fans, my friends, or my family.
[33:44 - 34:03] So, you're a little bitch, Jasmine. Just run along and play like the little bitch boy that you are. Run along now. Go play. Let the adults do their thing. That's all I ask is that you leave the adults alone and let the big boys do their stuff that they do while you sit there in your little corner and turn out and play with your little fucking weak-ass toys.
[34:04 - 34:20] Like, for real. What time is it, guys? I'm out. I hope you guys enjoyed this livestream. Like, I'm pretty sure you guys didn't, like, enjoy it, but this one motherfucker needed to be dealt, baby.
[34:28 - 34:37] So, with that being said, guys, this is your boy, Shadowblade. Sorry, guys. I'm sticking right there.
[34:37 - 34:43] This is your boy, Shadowblade. Y'all already know what it does. I'm out. Peace.
[34:44 - 34:49] [end of transcript]
Transcribed by lolcow.city as id '3395' on August 19th, 2024